Archaeology Report Wharves Site, Barnstaple Street

View, across the Torridge mud-banks, to the series of wharves that lay along Barnstaple Street, with East-the-Water on the hillside beyond.

The attached archaeology report was produced for Red Earth, by AC Archaeology, Exeter.  Click here to read full report.

A synopsis of the report’s summary:

The wharf is situated on reclaimed land, with various phases of infilling through to the end of the 19th century. Historic sources suggest it has been occupied since the 16th century with various uses, including shipbuilding and the storage and transportation of goods from North Devon’s industries.

The warehouse and the cottage originate from the time of the shipbuilding yard, dating to the 19th century. A key event was the widening of Barnstaple Street in 1923 when a new east elevation wall was constructed and the front of the cottage was narrowed with a new east elevation constructed.

The study indicated there was some level of survival across the site, despite the extensive demolition and clearing of structures, over the late 19th and 20th centuries. A small number of walls and surfaces associated were exposed. These were located at relatively shallow depths and related to previous development and use of the site. Reclamation and made ground deposits dating from the 17th- and/or 18th-century onward were identified. All finds and deposits were dated to the post- medieval or modern periods, with no evidence for earlier remains identified.

Red Earth Bideford Ltd have agreed to let Way of the Wharves make a copy of the full report available on their website.

Please note that the report is available for information only and no part of the report is to be copied, extracted or used in any other way. Please contact Red Earth for more details or permissions to quote from or use the report.